Spectrum Youth and Family Services

177 Pearl Street
Burlington, VT - 05401
Phone Number: (802) 862-5396

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Spectrum is a leader recognized locally and nationally for providing innovative best practice programs and services that respond to community needs in collaboration with community partners.Their clients are welcomed and respected and receive the support and resources they need to change their lives.Its organizational culture supports independent thinking, interdependent teamwork, mastery in their work and passion for impacting people's lives.Their sources of funding are diverse and sustainable, and we have an independent capacity to support and expand mission-oriented programmes.Spectrum Youth and Family Services provides shelter and temporary accommodation for the homeless and vulnerable young people in their homes.All these programs are voluntary.A care plan is developed in collaboration with each young person and focuses on the central areas of development.Supporting youth in planning/setting goals in these areas will help them transition to and sustain a healthy and stable life.

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