Northport Transitional Apartments

204 East North Street
Georgetown, DE - 19947
Phone Number: (302) 856-2246

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Sussex Community Crisis Housing Services, Inc (SCCHS), has been providing shelter and supportive services to homeless individuals and families since 1981.  The agencys atmosphere creates an environment that nurtures personal and family dignity, enhances self-esteem and promotes independence, housing stability and financial security.   As the economy and housing market has changed so have the "faces of homelessness",  SCCHS never missed a beat in meeting the needs of the newly homeless. Special programs were developed to serve the emerging 55+ female homeless  population and new partnerships were forged to find adequate permanent housing for their clients.

Mission Statement: The mission of Sussex Community Crisis Housing Services (SCCHS), Inc. is to provide safe and secure temporary housing to the homeless. We facilitate the transition from homelessness to financial and housing independence.

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