OMCDCs transitional housing programs allow residents to stay in housing for 6-24 months while tenants reintegrate into an independent lifestyle. All transitional housing programs are rent subsidized and based on income qualifications and the level of need of each individual applicant. Their tenants are monitored by their housing coordinator and provided with supportive services if needed, with the ultimate goal of insuring that their tenants can remain on the right path to move into a more independent living situation. Learn more about their transitional housing options below. See more at:
Mission Statement: OMCDC (Ohio Multi-County Development Corporation) is a community development corporation providing affordable housing opportunities to low and moderate income persons in Carroll, Cuyahoga, Holmes, Lorain, Medina, Portage, Stark, Summit, and Wayne counties. We currently manage and operate over 265 units of housing for homeless individuals and families around Northeast Ohio.
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