Helping Hand House is dedicated to preventing and ending homelessness for families.
2020-03-30 08:29:18
I have a 5 boys with me and my husband. We need help to place us in a shelter... one of my sons has heart disease romantic heart fever... and the shelter we are at will only put un on there COT where we have to get up at 7am to put away. But my son has to rest longer...he is having head aches now because he give up to early and sleeps late...can u help us
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Closest Area Rehab Centers
- Helping Hand House
0.02 miles away - Du-weys House
2.81 miles away - Center East Sumner Branch
4.44 miles away - Exodus Housing
5.02 miles away - Endurance House
5.65 miles away - West wood Apts S street
5.85 miles away - Oxford House B Street
6.58 miles away - House of Vision
6.80 miles away - Oxford House Freeman Park
6.95 miles away - Possible sex offender housing
6.97 miles away
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