George Mcdonald Court Apartments Community services and activities include: Service coordinator for connecting residents to community and medical services Building maintenance Apartment repairs Live-in response teams Resident services Resident activities including meetings/celebrations Informative educational programs
George Mcdonald Court Apartments for Seniors
1800 E 92nd Street
Los Angeles, CA - 90002
Phone Number: (323) 566-8608
Fax Number: (323) 563-2173
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Closest Area Rehab Centers
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2.84 miles away - Ella's Foundation
2.99 miles away - Dare U to Care
3.02 miles away - Higher Goals
3.06 miles away - People in Progress Sober Living
3.06 miles away - JWCH Institute - Mini Twelve Step House
3.41 miles away - Jordan's Disciples Community Service
3.69 miles away - Salvation Army Bell Shelter
5.15 miles away
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