Focus Christian Academy

6300 Deane Hill Drive
Knoxville, TN - 3791
Phone Number: (865) 694-3837
Fax Number: (865) 675-2744

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The Mission for the FCTP To help meet the needs of Christian ex-offenders who have faithfully participated in FOCUS programs while incarcerated and have demonstrated their desire to follow a Christ-centered plan for successful transition.

Mission Statement: Our mission to share His love in word and deed means that we are here to serve one another, both in the church (Ministry), and in our local community and world (Missions). We seek to provide specific opportunities for everyone to have a place of service.

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2019-03-19 22:38:00

A friend is looking for a half way house to transition to after prison. His parole hearing is April 10, 2019.

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