Family Renew Community

105 South Street
Daytona Beach, FL - 32114
Phone Number: (386) 258-5993

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Family Renew Community is a faith-based organization that provides a safe, stable home for homeless families with children, and equips them with the tools they need to be self-sufficient.Their work is directed by an all-volunteer board of trustees that includes representatives of 22 religious congregations as well as at-large trustees from diverse sectors of the community. A very small staff of administrative, client-assistance and thrift store professionals is assisted by a dedicated cadre of volunteers. Community donations of money and merchandise are crucial to their success in giving families a hand up, not a handout. Family Renew Community is a United Way of Volusia-Flagler Counties participating agency.

Mission Statement: Family Renew Community is a faith-based organization that provides a safe, stable home for homeless families with children, and equips them with the tools they need to be self-sufficient.

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2020-01-23 21:15:58

I'm in dire need trying to find housing for myself and for children the current house that I'm living in now is inhabitable code enforcement is about to come out and they're going to condemn the house I'm the home I'm living in now I have to pay 625 per month and the septic tank isn't working when we use the restroom it goes straight outside in the backyard the feces at all if we don't have the pipes going straight outside then I will have to put a trash bag in the toilet in order for the kids to use it and then take that trash bag and go put it in the trash the second issue is that is holes in the roof that makes it rain inside of the house once it starts raining, third issue is we only have one electric plug that is working so I have at least seven to eight and stanchion cord that I'm running throughout the house I'm just so we can have power lit up throughout the house other problem that we also have here is there is no heat so we're freezing to death in the house I did go out and I bought two heaters but everytime we plug those up along with a light or television the breaker goes off so we have to keep flicking the breaker or turn off the heat and just breathe and I just get up about 5 in the morning turn off everything and put one heater into the restroom and the other one until the living room so when the kids get dressed in the morning they can go in the bathroom and take that shower and they won't be freezing but meanwhile I have told by now lower and every time I tell her she tells me that I have 30 days that I can stay for free since I paid my last month's rent and I'm telling her even if I have 30 days free I still can't find a house within 30 days and that's my problem I have been looking and looking and looking and most places want you to give them a 50 to $65 application fee and they choose three or four families but they only pick one so if I keep give it away 50 to $65 before you know it that's $500 is on and I still don't have a place to stay so I'm running out of money and running out of resources and I don't know what to do and February is my last month here as of March 1st I have to be gone with my kids and we have where to go I have no support system my mother has passed away and we have no family here in DeLand Florida area so I am worried today I don't know what to do I don't know where to go I don't know who to turn to I have went to numerous organizations and Here DeLand they don't have places for the homeless or for single mothers that's in the situation that I am in so I don't know what to do so I'm turning to you all after looking online to see if I could possibly get some help or if someone could please direct me the right way or some way for us to get some type of help.

2020-04-17 22:45:02

Hello my name is Jessica and my family and I are currently homeless. Ever since the cronavirus hit my husband and I lost our jobs ( we work in the food industry). The five of us lost our apartment because we couldn't afford our bills. Let me tell you living out of our SUV

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