Andres Men's Transitional Housing is a place where up to 6 male guests can transition from homelessness into stable employment and stable housing. The men live together in community, support one another on their journey and help each other transition into permanent housing. All guests are required to be employed or be actively seeking employment through out their stay. All guests must remain clean and sober. An interview will be conducted in order to determine if Andre house is the suitable residence for potential guests.
Mission Statement: André House is a ministry of hospitality, which combines the gifts of many people to pursue community in the body of Christ reflective of the Reign of God. We blend traditions of the Catholic Worker and the Congregation of Holy Cross. We are dedicated to serving poor persons by living and working among them. In serving and welcoming we strive to foster peace in an alienated world. We believe in a philosophy of personalism, which values the gifts of every human being and calls everyone to a creative personal response to the world in which we live. André House provides opportunities for all our brothers and sisters to share their gifts through direct personal contact. This exchange engenders understanding, justice, and compassion, and together we honor the God who dwells in all. André House intends to serve people who are poor through its capacities to provide food, shelter, clothing, companionship and other service, while recognizing other’s freedom to accept these. In serving people who are poor, we seek to learn from them. We strive to say with our actions: “Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” Many donors, volunteers, and neighbors cooperate to finance and operate André House. A Core Community of full-time André House volunteers resides together to live and work for a life of greater solidarity with the poor. This covenant expresses aspects of their communal life, which both challenges and brings joy, to give clarity to those members.
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